The advantages of the internationally operating insurance broker in modern Europe

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Why is the insurance broker a valuable service provider?

In the united Europe new opportunities have arisen for the insurance broker and additional obligations have been imposed. The Insurance Broker is now required to create multiple comparison offers from different insurance companies, thus creating transparency and comparison opportunities for the customer.

The new European Insurance Broker should and should strive to find the most interesting opportunities for its customers throughout Europe. For example, later life planning often plays a crucial role for customers. Therefore, it should be taken into account whether an insured person, e.g. would like to return to his homeland when he is old. In advanced age and with possible pre-existing conditions it is then difficult to be able to conclude an optimal health insurance in the home country. The associated requirements can be much better planned in today’s Europe and resolved for the long-term benefit of policyholders.

However, the more transparent Europe obliges the insurance broker of today to face up to a stronger competition. Now come to the local competitor and highly qualified colleagues from abroad. This development and accelerating technological change require the insurance broker to be very vigilant in order to best serve its customers.


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