Age poverty – pessimism or sad truth?

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Old-age poverty – pessimism or sad truth?

According to recent studies, the majority of Europeans are worried about slipping into old-age poverty or becoming a nursing case.

In the countries of southern Europe, which have been hit hard by the debt crisis, the fear of poverty is particularly widespread. The high unemployment rate also threatens social security systems. Contributors are missing and demographic change is creating an aging society. Overall, 24% of the EU’s total population is already retired!

Nearly half of the over-65s in Spain live below the poverty line.

The Spanish Government has already begun to make your citizens aware of the need for their own precautionary measures. For some time, the pensions in Spain can only be paid with the help of a reserve fund . A gloomy look into the pension future!

But even in strong economic countries such as Germany, the citizens are very insecure, because after all apply in Germany 12.5 million people as poor! For women, pensions are particularly important because they usually earn less than men, interrupt their profession more often to be able to cater for the education of children or work shortens.

Discussions about retirement at 67, which is expected to become reality in 2030, are not aborting. For young people in particular, this means: The sooner you start with a private pension plan, the lower the premiums for adequate retirement income . The sad truth is that old-age poverty has long since arrived and is already a bitter reality! In addition to the generally carefree precautionary nature, missing information regarding “old-age insurance” is one of the main reasons for the passive precautionary idea.

There are many options for prevention and the state supports the efforts partly through allowances and partly through tax exemptions. No matter which way you want to go – the most important requirement is to act!

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